Communiqué: Caravan of Central American Mothers Searching for their Disappeared Children
The Eleventh Caravan of Central American Mothers Searching for their Disappeared Children in Transit Through Mexico is about to start, this upcoming Monday we will leave Tenosique, Tabasco and conclude with the Celebration of International Day of the Migrant on December 18th in Tapachula, Chiapas, commemorating the global day of action against racism and for the rights and dignity of migrants, refugees, and displaced people.
The forced disappearances and displacements are definitely caused by the criminal violence that is rampant in our countries, a violence of such magnitude that it forces the people to abandon their place of origin. To flee their countries, they come across Mexico, an insurmountable barrier preventing them of arriving to their destination. It is because of this, that in the City of Mexico, families of the disappeared will be presenting before the Public Ministry of the prosecutors specialized in the area, reports of forced disappearances where is it presumed that they are protagonists of organized crime and its institutional accomplices.
As is indicated in the attached agenda, other program activities include expositions in the public plaza, visits to migrant shelters and an interchange of information with migrants that they encountered in route; inquiries and tracking of disappeared migrants; visits to hospitals, brothels, prisons, homeless shelters and to whatever public place where we might hope to find a migrant; ceremonies in the train tracks, in the unmarked graves in cemeteries; walks through the villages to seek solidarity from the communities along the migrant route; conferences with the press and interviews with the reporters that cover the caravan; interviews with civil servants of the three levels of government to reclaim their cooperation in the search; interviews with organizations in defense of human rights and the state and national commissions of human rights; interviews and testimonies with legislators demanding legislative actions in favor of the rights of migrants; interviews with civil servants demanding that the rights and the due process of the migrants are respected, and that they stop the abuses and complicity of their agents with organized crime.
We invite communities, social organizations, defenders of human rights and the young to accompany the Central American mothers on the road to search for their children dead or alive, and we solicit new agencies, correspondents, national and international media reporters, and communicators in general to widely cover the actions of the mothers carried out in this caravan of denunciation and in search of their children and families whom they had last heard from somewhere in Mexican Territory. Your presence is a guarantee to diffuse the work of the caravan and the causes that motivate it. It will also give it visibility, putting pressure on the authorities, and preventing the oblivion that blurs the magnitude of the human tragedy occurring in all of our sight. Furthermore, you are of great help in locating those that we search for.
Poorly translated from the original here:
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