Union of Campesinos and Fisherman of the Sierra and Coast of Chiapas/ Unión de Campesinos y Pescadores de la Sierra y Costa de Chiapas Pijijiapan, Chiapas, México, November 2015
To the Human Rights Organizations
To the Alternative Media
To the Defenders of Human Rights in Mexico and the World
To the People that Struggle and Resist in Mexico
To the State Commission of Human Rights
To the National Commission of Human Rights
To the National Commission of Water (CONAGUA)
To the Secretary of the Environment (SEMARNAT)
To the Attorney of Agrarian Reform
To the National Agrarian Register
To the Congress of the Union
To the Congress of Chiapas,
To Enrique Peña Nieto- President of Mexico
To Manuel Velasco Coello—Governor of Chiapas
To Aristeo Trinidad Nolasco—Municipal President of Arriaga
We are an organization formed of ejidos, communities, ranches, and the population of the city of Pijijiapan, Chiapas, who have decided to struggle against the imposition of the megaprojects of mines, hydroelectric projects, and fracking.
Since the modification of article 27 of the Federal Constitution of the State of Mexico, permission has been granted to transnational companies to enter our territories without permission and exploit our natural resources, leaving only a series of impacts to the flora a fauna, causing us to maintain an alertness to stopping the entrance of these firms.
In response to the interests of the companies that want to buy the land we inhabit, we have decided through consensus of our assembles to declare our territories free of mines and hydroelectric projects, and we call to the people in general that they participate in the peaceful and civil march on November 30th at 10:00 am in the city of Pijijiapan, Chiapas that will leave from the Basic Community Hospital. The principal objective will be to demand that the Municipality Ayuntamiento sign an agreement guaranteeing us that the transnational and Mexican companies will not destroy our land and territory that for decades we have cared for and preserved because it is the future of our families. Furthermore we demand that they disallow any type of permission or concession in favor of big capital respecting our right to property, to guarantee our physical integrity and health, as well as also respect our environment especially our forests and rivers.
We are making it known that we will maintain resistance until is it shown that the State respects our free auto-determination and autonomy as communities, and we will prevent the entrance of the corporations in our territory.
We call to the organizations of dignified and honest civil society for solidarity, for mutual help, to the communities that struggle and resist that we unify our forces for the defense of land and territory, to the media that can expand coverage of our struggle in favor of life and against the project of death.
To the Federal, State, and Municipal Governments we demand:
- The cancelation of permits and concession in favor of the mine and hydroelectric companies
- The respect of our land and our Ejidal, communal, and whatever other type of agrarian form of territory
- The cancellation of the exploitation of gas through the use of fracking
- The respect of our right of association, gatherings, and political participation of our affairs in the defense of our territories
- The respect of our autonomy and free determination of our communities
- A guarantee of the right to a healthy environment
Yes to life, no to mines
Yes to life, to hydroelectric projects
Water is a human right, no to commodification
Fair electric energy rates
No to the energy reforms
Unión de Campesinos y Pescadores de la Sierra y Costa de Chiapas
Consejo Autónomo Regional de la Zona Costa de Chiapas
Frente Cívico Tonalteco AC
Ejido El Fortín, Ejido La Conquista, Poblado la Central, Ejido Gustavo López, Ejido Tamaulipas, Ejido Nueva Urbina, Ejido El Carmen, Ejido Joaquín Miguel Gutiérrez, Ejido Zapotal, Ejido Palmarcito, Ejido, Ejido Santa, Ejido Nicolás, Bienes, Ejido Nueva, Buenavista, Virginia, Bravo II (Mapastepec), Comunales Unión Pijijapan, Flor, Ejido Rincón del Bosque, Ejido Coapa, Ejido Guanajuato, Ejido El Progreso, Ejido Salto de Agua, Ejido El Rosario, Ejido El Vergel, Ejido San Antonio Miramar, Ejido Plan de Ayala, Ejido Emiliano Zapata, Ejido Las Brisas, Ejido Rion, Comunidad Unidad Puente Margaritas, Ranchería Los Limones, Ejido Ceniceros
Poorly translated from the original here: https://consejoautonomo.files.wordpress.com/2015/11/comunicado-ucpsch1.pdf
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