4 Indigenous Nahuas murdered by narco-paramiltaries In Guerrero, Mexico


Communique of CIPOG-EZ on the the assassination of four indigenous Nahuas in Guerrero, Mexico.

Chilapa de Álvarez, Guerrero, México, December 20th, 2020

To the Zapatista Army of National Liberation

To the National Indigenous Congress (CNI)

To the Indigenous Governing Council (CIG)

To the People of Guerrero, Mexico and the World

To the National and International Sixth

To the CNI-CIG Networks of Support

To the Free, Honest and Autonomous Media

As women, men, grandfathers, grandmothers, boys and girls of the Popular Indigenous Council of Guerrero-Emiliano Zapata (CIPOG-EZ)—Na Savi, Me pháá, Ñamnkue, Nahua, Afro-Mexican and Mestizo peoples of the state of Guerrero—we are again raising our voice with rage and pain. Yesterday, December 19th, 2020, around noon, our sisters María Agustín Chino and Amalia Morales Guapango, and our brothers José Benito Migueleño and Miguel Migueleño were found assassinated.

These brothers and sisters of the Indigenous Nahua community of Alcozacan, municipality of Chilapa de Álvarez, disappeared Friday December 18th. Yesterday around noon, their bodies were found in their truck on the Chilapa-Tlapa highway. They were tortured, bound at their hands, and given their “coup de grace.”

This has taken place precisely one month after we broke the narco-paramilitary siege, on November 18th, when thousands of Indigenous Nahuas recovered our mobility in our territory. As twenty-two communities surrounded by the narco-paramilitary group, Los Ardillos, we decided to say “Enough Already!” because it is not life that we are living. However, in response, they are already beginning to charge the fee in blood, because they want us to be slaves and they want us subdued.

We dared to denounce the subsecretary of Human Rights, Population and Migration of the 4T, Alejandro Encinas. He only comes to plant division and buy consciences precisely in Alcozacan. There, on January 17th, 2020, 10 compañeros were assassinated in a massacre. Now, far from arriving to justice, they are only sending more death and signals of war. Encinas and López Obrador, you are no different than the PRI. You have become what you pretend to combat.

Today, and in the times that come, they will continue killing us. Mexico is being built on our dead bodies. Once again, we are in the way. But we can no longer continue in slavery. Here in the Montaña Baja of Guerrero, COVID-19 is the least of it. They are assassinating us like animals without anyone listening, without anyone doing anything. Our “Enough Already!” will continue and will cost more blood because no struggle for true freedom and justice has ever been smooth. Never in history have Indigenous peoples been given our freedom.

We hold responsible the municipal government of Chilapa de Álvarez led by Jesús Parra García of the PRI, the state government of Héctor Astudillo Flores of the PRI, and the president of the republic, Andrés Manuel López Obrador of MORENA, for the assassination of María Agustín Chino, Amalia Morales Guapango, José Benito Migueleño and Miguel Migueleño. The three levels of government know perfectly well that happens in Chilapa, but they make deals instead of ending organized crime.

Celso Ortega Jiménez is the operating command of “Los Ardillos.” Bernardo Ortega Jiménez is the political command. The ministerial police of Chilapa de Álvarez, as we have already denounced, are part of the problem and the National Guard knows this well. After being in the same place for so long, the National Guard are only spying on our organization instead of dismantling organized crime.

Our state organizers continue receiving death threats. Intimidation in the base communities of the CIPOG-EZ and CNI-CIG is becoming more and more fierce. Now, more murder. And again, impunity on part of the authorities only makes their complicity clear. That is why Encinas refuses to provide precautionary measures and why the CNDH did not send any visitors to register the human rights violations in Chilapa and the 22 communities that have suffered the narco-paramilitary siege.

Sisters and brothers who have not abandoned us, help us to share this word and let it be known what the 4T and its ally the PRI are doing in Guerrero. May our dead not remain in the shadow of “progress.” May our blood sow the path of freedom for our people.

We will we mobilizing and we reiterate our determined “Enough Already!” Our struggle is for life and freedom. We do not want to be slaves of organized crime, nor a bargaining chip of bad governments in disguise.


Popular Indigenous Council of Guerrero-Emiliano Zapata (CIPOG-EZ)

Regions: Costa Chica, Costa Montaña, Montaña Alta and Montaña Baja de Guerrero

Campesino Organization of the Southern Sierra (O.C.S.S.)

End the paramilitary war against the Zapatista communities of the EZLN!

End the Narco-Paramilitary war against the Indigenous communities of the CNI-CIG!

Justice for all the prisoners, assassinated and disappeared of the CNI-CIG!

Never more a Mexico without us!

This was translated Anonynmously by It’s Going Down.