Organizations unite for Yaqui political prisoner Fidencio Aldama’s birthday

Letter to Fidencio Aldama from Individuals, Collectives, Organizations and Networks of Resistance and Rebellion Adherents to the Sixth

Comrade Fidencio Aldama (Yaqui Political Prisoner):

To the Zapatista community in Aldama

To the Zapatista communities

To the National Liberation Zapatista Army 

To the EZLN Sixth Commission

To the National Indigenous Congress

To Comrades

To Brothers and Sisters:

It is no coincidence that the Zapatista community of Aldama is resisting, while comrade Fidencio Aldama (Yaqui Political Prisoner) is also fighting in his 4th year in prison; his last name carries a tradition of resistance, fighting and organizing. As Zapatista communities in Aldama and Moises Gandhi resist paramilitary groups like Santa Martha Chelnaló and attacks by ORCAO (Regional Organization of Coffee Growers of Ocosingo), the Mexican State and Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s government continue to work in collusion with these groups. They continue attacking and kidnapping our comrades as they did with Félix López Hernández, who was fortunately released last Thursday due to pressure from all over the country.

The attack on communities in resistance is precisely orchestrated by the state apparatus and by the federal government. It is in the context of imposing deadly megaprojects and in the form of a preventive war against peoples in the struggle. It is also in the form of revenge by a vengeful dictator who in sheep’s clothing hides his interest in capital and his connections with the oppressors and not with the oppressed.

Today, on November 16, is comrade Fidencio Aldama’s birthday. We want to say that we support you and are fighting for your freedom. We want to stop the repression. We are looking to transform reality and take over the system.

We’re fighting like you, along with our children in this pandemic so that the attacks, imprisonments and murders stop. We are indigenous, women, girls, rural and urban workers who will keep fighting and organizing so that you can travel in this world. You can count on us comrades, you can count on us Compa Fidencio Aldama. 

On November 17, 20, and 28, which marks 37 years since the EZLN was founded and one year and nine months after comrade Samir’s assassination, we will carry out global actions calling for an end to the war by the paramilitary group ORCAO on the Zapatista communities, justice for Samir, and continue to fight against megaprojects, the Mayan train and the gas pipeline in Sonora.


Individuxs, Colectivxs, Organizaciones y Redes de Resistencia y Rebeldía Adherentes a la Sexta Declaración de la Selva Lacandona:

Red de Resistencias y Rebeldía la Otra Tuxtla.

Colectivo CNI-Totonacapan.

La Voz del Anáhuac.

Trabajadorxs organizadxs con la Sexta.

Colectivo Aequus.- Promoción y Defensa de Derechos Humanos, Coordinación de Familiares de Estudiantes Víctimas de la Violencia y el Frente Nacional Ni Una Menos México

Comunidad de Práctica: mujeres que luchan Xalapa

Colectivo Feminista Cihuatlahtolli de orizaba Veracruz

Dra. Alicia Castellanos Guerrero UAM I y Dr. Gilberto López y Rivas INAH Morelos México y adherentes a la Sexta.

Colectivo Renovador Estudiantil Autónomo- UNAM.

Coordinadora de Estudiantes y Colectivxs de la Facultad de Derecho.

Coatlicue Siempre Viva CDMX. 

Voices in Movement, (México, USA , France).

Colectiva Nuestra Alegre Rebeldía en apoyo a CIN y CIG, Cuernavaca, Morelos.

Sexta Teatrito (Yucatán)

Solidaridad con el pueblo Mexicano-Málaga (Estado Español)

Lourdes Mejia Aguilar (madre de Carlos Sinuhe Cuevas Mejía)

Coordinación Metropolitana, Anticapitalista y Antipatriarcal con el CIG.

Colectivo Zapatista Neza.

Café “Zapata Vive”.

Regeneración Radio.

UPREZ Benito Juárez.

Comunidad Indígena Otomí residentes en la CDMX.

Voces del Viento.

Poesía y Canto.

Colectiva Las Sureñas en resistencia y rebeldía.

Laboratorio Popular de Medios Libres.

Zapateando Medios Libres.

Plantón por los 43.

Colectivo La Ceiba.

Brigada de Salud Zapatista Pantitlán.

Sector de Trabajadores Adherentes a la Sexta Declaración.

Frente de Trabajador@s por el Derecho a la Salud y a la Seguridad Social.

Mujeres que Luchan, Resisten y se Organizan.

Bazar Rebelde.

Colectivo Odontología Comunitaria Sembrando Sonrisas.

Escuelita Autónoma Otomí.

Residentes de la Honorable Casa Nacional del Estudiante.

Roxana Bolio

Florina Mendoza Jiménez.

Leonel López.

Roberto Rodríguez Contreras “Gato”.

Red de Resistencia y Rebeldía Ajmaq en el Valle de Jobel

Grupo de Trabajo No Estamos Todo

Red de Rebeldía y Resistrenzas Puebla.

Círculo de Estudios Zapatistas, Hidalgo.

November 14, 2020. Translated by Shantal Montserrat Lopez Victoria. The orginal can be found here in Spanish at La Voz del Anáhuac-Sexta X La Libre.