Adherents of the Sixth, of the Autonomous Municipality Vicente Guerrero, Denounce Aggressions and Repression


Adherents of the Sixth, of the Autonomous Municipality Vicente Guerrero, Denounce Aggressions and Repression:

To the adherents of the national and international sixth

To the defenders of human rights

To the means of alternative communication

To the general society

We formally denounce the following acts in the Autonomous Municipality Vicente Guerrero, members of the sixth declaration of the Lacandon jungle in the town of Shulvo:

We are writing to take account of the events that took place November 3, 2015, by groups affiliated with the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), protestant religious groups, along with the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE). The groups went to the houses of four families intimidating women and children, adherents of the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon jungle, to cut off their water supplies and electricity networks as well as their means of communication including telephones with the intention of making communication impossible. The people of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) said that, “…because they are EZLN sympathizers and adherents of the Sixth Declaration and under threats they said they were going to hang and disappear them because the government does not want people to get organized.” Therefore, we inform all of the collective organizations of this act in the town of Shulvo and that the escalation of violence continues to rise, originating in the presidency of the republic, Enrique Peña Nieto, the current governor of Chiapas, Manuel Velasco Neck, and the Municipal President of the municipality of Zinacantan, Chiapas.

On December 9th of this year, again adherents to the Sixth Declaration were repressed in the community of Shulvo from nearly 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm, while woman and men were in their homes, groups led by agents of the PRI (Mariano Pérez, assistant agent Mpal de Shulvo, and Mariano Ruiz Vazquez Alternate) causing damage and destruction to homes, and causing damage to Nissan vehicles of the comrades through an attack with stones and other material.

In communication by telephone, we were informed in our office of the Autonomous municipality of Elambra Alto by adherents of the Sixth that our comrades were being attacked in Shulvo and we immediately went to rescue our partners since the PRI and its companions were threatening to displace, beat, and burn them.

Around 9pm we arrived, and indeed, houses of our comrades, adherents of the Sixth, had been destroyed. We were talking for about five minutes when a PRI group began to verbally attack us. We ignored them and decided to retreat in order not to cause any conflict but in that moment we realized that they were waiting for us in the entrances with stones and rockets, attacking the cars that were to transport us away. In that moment, some of our comrades were injured due to the rocks being thrown.

We demand the end to these acts and punishment to those responsible for the acts occurred.

Already we fear for the wellbeing of the comrades that were until today in the community of Shulvo without power, deprived of their liberty being the men and women, adherents to the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation.



  1. Juan Pérez Pérez
  2. Pascuala Pérez Pérez
  3. Petra Vásquez Gómez
  4. Juana Lucia González Gómez
  5. Rosa Alejandra González Gómez
  6. Pedro Víctor González Gómez
  7. Martin Fernando González Gómez
  8. Mariano Enrique González Gómez
  9. Elena Jiménez Gómez
  10. Jesusita González Gómez
  11. Andrés dela crus López
  12. Pascuala Pérez Pérez
  13. Martin Pérez Pérez


Total punishment to the repressors and aggressors, enough with the impunity on part of the federal, state, and principally municipal governments.


The Autonomous Municipality of Vicente Guerrero

Adherents of the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle

“The homeland is first”

First Autonomous Judge

Mariano Hernadez de la Cruz

Second Autonomous Judge

Antonio de la Cruz de la Cruz

Poorly translated from the original here:


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