Comunicado of the SNTE-CNTE:


Comunicado of the SNTE-CNTE:

To the education workers

To the students

To the parents of families

To the people in general

To the means of communication

To the national and international human rights organizations

Today, December 8th 2015, as a consequence of the activities of the popular teachers movements marking the boycott of the punitive evaluation, in the school of civil protection in the highlands of Crucero Llan San Juan, Municipality of Ocozocoautla, Chiapas, we have been attacked by the repressive forces of the state with tear gas and inhuman beating of those whom peacefully demonstrate.

This state aggression is nothing more than a sign of their incompetence, their inability to have an open dialogue, as exemplified in their political discourse, which in reality masks their slavish submissiveness to the financial hierarchy.

To the repression perpetrated by the governments of Enrique Peña Nieto and Manual Velasco Neck, carried out by Aurelio Nuño, Mayor secretary of Education, against the teachers of Chiapas, Section 7 of the SNTE-CNTE states the following:


  • We repudiate and name guilty the government of Enrique Peña Nieto and Manual Velasco Cuello for the death of our comrade David Gemayel Ruíz Estudillo who was hit by a police truck when we were attacked in a brutal and inhuman manner.
  • We demand the immediate liberty without conditions to the comrades that were arbitrarily detained during the repression, violating their human rights: Alexander Lázaro Vicente, Oscar Oliver Espinoza, Eduardo de Jesús Bolaños Nanguse, Jorge Luis Guzmán Siu, Faustino Gómez Hernández and Lauro López Domínguez.
  • The Democratic Teacher’s Movement of section 7 of the SNTE-CNTE Chiapas will not permit any more acts of aggression, and we demand a stop to the use of public resources to implement an operation costing millions against the teachers; otherwise this movement will respond accordingly with our own tactics of struggle.
  • We hold the fascist government responsible for the physical condition of our comrades following the aggressions, in an act of clear provocation, intimidation and criminalization of just and combative protest as we teachers have been clear in our demand, however, irresponsibility, the closed ears and the silence of which the governments have responded with the use of police force to quell the social protest
  • We say to the federal and state government that this aggression will not go on unpunished


This teacher’s movement of Section 7 of the SNTE-CNTE will not cease the struggle for the defense of public education, the people of Chiapas and Mexico, labor rights and normalismo, since they remain our objectives and achieving them, not at once stepping down

The return with life of the students of Ayotzinapa!

An end to the criminalization of social protest!

In defense of Public Education, secular and free!

For the repeal of Articles 3 and 73 of the constitution

Again the punitive evaluation!

For the liberty of all of the political prisoners of the CNTE and of the country in whole!

United and organized, we will win!

Executive committee of Section 7 of the SNTE-CNTE

Press and propaganda of Section 7 of the SNTE-CNTE

Poorly translated from the original here:


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