International Solidarity From Anarchists in Mexico City

This communique comes from anarchists in Mexico City; a humble gesture of solidarity with comrades facing state repression throughout the world.

From Mexico City, we send our solidarity and love to the comrades who took the streets on May 1st, and to the many who were kidnapped by the state as a result. Repression is the state’s reaction to a gnawing fear: a fear of the power of revolt, of the autonomous organization of the people, of the brewing revolution.

We stand in solidarity with the 300+ compañerxs detained in Paris, France; the 600+ compañerxs detained in Bandung, Indonesia; and the 12 anarchists being processed in Brussels, Belgium; for taking their revolutionary rage to the streets in the face of stiff state repression. We stand in solidarity with all the social fighters that remain behind bars or are being persecuted by the state for their commitment to the destruction of domination and oppression in its various forms.

Solidarity has no borders. You all are not alone. From our geography here in Mexico City, together with you all, we commit to continue the struggle against states and capitalism.

Burn the prisons! Fuck the police! Free Miguel Peralta!