CNI: Faced With the Coming Storm: Comunicado in Solidarity with the Tila Ejido:
To the towns, nations and neighborhoods that make up the National Indigenous Congress
To the national and international sixth
To the people of Mexico and the world
On the 16th of December, our brothers and sisters of the Ch’ol Ejido Tila, in the northern zone of Chiapas, in agreement in their general assembly decided to restore their ejidal autonomy and expel the ejido city council from their territory. The reason is the damage it has caused to the population of Tila seeking to control and privatize it, snatching their legitimate ancestral and ejido rights, from the Ch’ole men, women, old men, old women, the youth, boys and girls who live, work and defend it.
The Ch’ole bothers and sisters of the Tila ejido have been insistent in denouncing and marking known the history of contempt, repression and displacement, which they have faced from the municipal and state governments. They seek to change the collective regime of land of the town of Tila, which is the heart of the ejidal territory, to impose capitalist forms of life and paramilitaries, because it is controlled by peace and justice, a paramilitary group.
The Tila city council controlled by paramilitaries, as well as the bad state and federal governments have a large outstanding debt of justice not only to the ejido, but to the people of Ch’ol, for the death that they have caused with the paramilitary counterinsurgency in this region, to the great debt that these bad governments have with the people of Mexico.
The town of Ch’ol of the Tila Ejido, as is being done by other towns, took their own right of self-determination to recover what is rightfully theirs. Therefore, we call on all our colleagues to show solidarity with this action carried out in part by our Ch’ol brothers and sisters to regain their autonomy.
We ask that you be vigilant against the response of the bad governments and their repressive forces in the region composed of military, police, and paramilitaries, that have been publicly mobilizing in recent months, which has been denounced by the brothers of the Tila ejido.
We demand the respect of the autonomy of the people of Ch’ol of Tila, and continue to demand respect for the territory and autonomy of the people of Mexico that the capitalist hydra wants to snatch.
For the integral reconstitution of our people.
Never more a Mexico without us.
National Indigenous Congress (CNI)
Poorly translated from the original here:
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