Communique from Mapuche political prisoners in the Temuco prison in memory of Camilo Catrillanca
November 15, 2019
Public announcement
In memory of the warrior Camilo Catrillanca, one year after the state killed him, shooting him in the back.
To the Mapuche nation, to the oppressed and to fighters in general. The Mapuche prisoners in the Temuco prison call for the following:
We belong to different communities but come from a single people. We share, reflect and remember our brother, and t0gether have come up with some ideas.
Brother Camilo was a fighter for his community, territory and our nation. He struggled against the oppression of a non-Indigenous system which everyday subjects the ancestral Mapuche territory to cowardly assassinations carried out by a despicable armed group, political crimes of state terrorism, a systematic plan against our people using militarized zones, political prisoners and deaths only to protect the interests of landowners and transnationals. Within this context, we have reflected on the concept of justice. There lies a clear difference between us and what non-Indigenous people propose as “just.” We see the need to re-establish and deepen Mapuche justice.
As a conscious part of our historic struggle against the capitalist system of non-Indigenous people, we reaffirm and support all forms of struggle, from the peaceful to the most confrontational, in the exercise of justice, memory, recovery and in defense of our territory and our people.
This month we commemorate three warriors who have been murdered by the non-Indigenous people, Lemun, Nahuel and Catrillanca, on both sides of the mountain range.
We remember Camilo and all the warriors who have fallen fighting for our justice, values and customs. They fought for the right to rebellion and the self-determination of oppressed peoples, through territorial recovery and control, self-defense and reconstruction of our world by expelling capitalism. Our organic community considers this to be a dignified and responsible way to oppose the powerful and support other oppressed people.
* Mapuche justice for Catrillanca and all our dead brothers and sisters
* Non-indigenous capitalists out of Mapuche territory
* Release of Mapuche political prisoners
* Territory, autonomy, reconstruction and Mapuche national liberation!
* Amulepe taiñ kuifi weichan, iafulungue pu weichafes, kalfu wenu like kalfu wenu chao la taiñ kumeche iem kellutunga taiñ Montiel meu, kishugunewunke marichiweu!
Benito Trangol Galindo
Pablo Trangol Galindo
Celestino Córdova Tránsito
Alberto Curamil Millanao
José Cáceres Salamanca
Álvaro Millalen Gutiérrez
Jorge Cayupan Ñirripil
Daniel Canio Trancal
Facundo Jones Huala
Juan Cheuqueta cheuquepil
Rodrigo Queipul Morales
Original in Spanish: https://radiokurruf.org/2019/11/15/comunicado-en-memoria-del-weichafe-camilo-catrillanka-presos-politicos-mapuche-carcel-de-temuko/